Fall 2021 Newsletter
We hope you were able to enjoy the thanksgiving holiday with those you love most. We are happy to share the Fall edition of our newsletter, including these useful articles:
If you are thinking about making changes in your life but not sure of the financial implications, our Page 1 article has some food for thought and tips on how to get started.
The economy continues to look good but the task of finding the best investment opportunities never gets easier. What’s ahead? Page 2 offers some ideas.
Can you remember who you named as the beneficiary on your RRSP? If not, it’s time for a review of all your beneficiary designations. The article on Page 3 explains why this is so important.
As the year winds down, remember we’re always available to discuss your investments, whether it’s a quick chat or a more formal portfolio review.
To view the full newsletter here.
PS. The final months of the year contain some key financial deadlines and some planning opportunities as outlined on Page 4. It is an ideal time for a financial check-in. Why not give us a call?